
Other Positions

Do you think you can help Petra Power in a position other than Senior Researcher or Laboratory Technician? Petra Power is always looking for highly-motivated, creative, and adaptable employees to help push the Company forward and bring our products to market. Submit your name, email, and phone number below along with an up-to-date resume to be considered. Please be sure to include your proposed position and details as to why you believe you could be an asset to the Company in a cover letter at the front of your resume. It takes people with all kinds of experiences and skills to build a successful power company and we are eager to consider applications from any and all individuals who feel they have something to contribute.

If you are interested in this position please submit your name, email and phone number below along with an up-to-date resume to be considered. If there is additional information that the Petra Power team should consider, please include it in a cover letter. If you believe you would be better suited for the laboratory technician or another position, please apply by clicking the links in-text or on our home page. If you would like to learn more about the Company or open positions please submit a resume or use our contact form on the homepage and someone from our team will reach out to you shortly. 

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